ISO 9001 - AS 9100 - ITAR Standard & Custom Optical Filters and Coatings
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Andover is committed to working with our global supply chain to ensure compliance with the SEC’s conflict minerals rule. We have established a conflict minerals compliance program that is designed to follow the framework established by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Our enterprise is fully engaged in implementing that program.

Our supplier contracts will include conflict mineral due diligence and reporting requirements. Any direct sourcing by Andover of tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold will only be from conflict-free sources, as defined in the SEC’s conflict minerals rule. As we become aware of instances where minerals in our supply chain potentially finance armed groups as defined in the SEC’s conflict minerals rule, we will work with our suppliers to find alternate conflict-free sources.

We are committed to promoting economic development in Africa through responsible commercial engagement, driving employee awareness, as well as through our corporate citizenship activities. 

Our conflict minerals reporting template can be downloaded here.